Monday, July 18, 2011

Another Word

Another MAT term:

Arabesque  (ahr-re-besk)

An item that is arabesque has intricate decorative patterns, involving intertwining lines and sometimes includes flowers, animals, and fruits.

Borders of gold and fancy arabesques surround the arabic script on every page of this ancient edition of the Koran.

(Sources: Mastering The Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;

Compiled by Patricia Ladensack as a study guide for Otto Ladensack

Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Word

Another MAT term:

Antipathy  (An-tip-uh-thee)

Antipathy is a long held feeling of dislike or aversion.

When asked why he didn't seek help immediately for his wife, the defendent emphasized his wife's utter antipathy toward doctors.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg)

Compiled by Patricia and Otto Ladensack for your learning pleasure.

If you would like to see our Mensa Trivia Page then click on "Patricia", above.

Monday, July 11, 2011

More Vocabulary

Another MAT term:

Anomaly  (a-nom-mal-ee)

An anomaly is something different or irregular. Anomalous is the adjective form.

The tiny "planet" Pluto has long been seen as an anomaly orbiting amongst our system's gas giants.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;,;

Compiled by Otto Ladensack for Patricia Ladensack

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Helpful Vocabulary Word

Another MAT term:

Anachronistic  (An-a-chron-is-tic)

Anachronistic means out of the proper time.

The reference in Shakespeare's, Julius Caesar, to "the clock striking twelve" is anachronistic as there were no striking time pieces in Ancient Rome.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Anologies Test, Arco, 2006;;;

Sources: Otto and Patricia Ladensack

By the way, if you enjoy trivia, click on Patricia. If you think the site is fun feel free to signup for a daily email. I do not not add ads or anything like that. I just review the Mensa trivia, post the material, add a picture here and there and links from any word that looks interesting. As for this vocabulary site, I am just sharing some of my own "prepping" for a difficult test, possibly in the near future. Have a nice day.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another Vocabulary Term

Another MAT (Miller Analogies Test) Vocabulary Word:

Ameliorate (uh-meel-yuh-reyt)

To ameliorate is to make something better or more tolerable.

Their living conditions were substantially ameliorated when their landlord installed washing machines and dryers in the basement.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;

(Compiled by Otto Ladensack for Patricia Ladensack)

Another Vocabulary Term

Another MAT (Miller Analogies Test) Term:

Amalgamate (A-mal-ga-mate)

To amalgamate means to blend thoroughly.

Dentists have traditionally filled cavities with an amalgamation that is formed by amalgamating mercury and other metals together into an alloy. Some people find this to be a frightening proposition.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;

Compiled by Otto Ladensack for Patricia Ladensack

Friday, July 1, 2011

Another Term

Another MAT term:

Aggrandize  (A-gran-dize)

Aggrandize means to make something greater, to inflate.

New York mayor, Ed Koch, was known for aggrandizing his accomplishments and strolling through city events shouting, "How am I doing?"

Aggrandizement is the noun form of this verb.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;;

Compiled by Patricia Ladensack