Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Vocabulary

Another MAT term:

Authoritarian  (uh-thawr-i-tair-ee-uhn)

Authoritarian is a term which refers to favoring or demanding blind obedience to leaders.

Despite Americans' belief in democracy, our government has often decided it was/is okay to defeat authoritarian regimes in other countries without consulting their citizenry and without being asked to intervene.

Example 2 (family systems): In my husband's authoritarian family he was expected to obey his parents without resistance and without ever questioning "why?"

(Source: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;;

Compiled by Patricia and Otto Ladensack

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Challenging Vocabulary

Another MAT term:

Assay  (a-say)

To assay is to analyze for particular components, to determine weight, quality, etc.

Fire Assay Analysis of Gold

The gold dealer assayed the jewelry to determine its bullion content before offering a buying price.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;

Compiled by Patricia Ladensack

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Vocabulary Term

MAT Vocabulary Term:

assail  (a-sale)

To assail is to attack with blows or words.

When President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Colin Powell made their case for war in Iraq they were assailed by many Americans that could see the injustice and criminality of the plans.

(Sources: Mastering the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;

Compiled by Patricia Ladensack

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another Term

Another MAT term:

Asperity  (uh-spair-i-tee)

Asperity is harshness or severity.

Total silence at the dinner table, baths in icy water, and prayers five times per day all contributed to the asperity of monastic life.

(Sources: Master the Miller Analogies Test, Arco, 2006;;;

Compiled for Patricia Ladensack