Saturday, April 16, 2011

Today's Vocabulary Enhancing Term

Today's Vocabulary Enhancing term: bunker mentality

--A state of mind especially among members of a group that is characterized chauvinistic defensiveness and self-righteous intolerance of criticism.


The bunker mentality many doctors in Durham have toward Duke University is frustrating because theirs is a poor hospital. They've botched transplants with fatal avoidable errors, used hydraulic-fluid contaminated surgical tools on patients (despite doctors noting their slipperyness), caused me to take our daughter elsewhere after a room that would be available "soon" still wasn't there six hours later, after my own colectomy was performed without informed consent, questionable billing practices, and despite a generally rude staff that acts like one should feel honored to be in one of their facilities. (Note: this example was authored by Otto Ladensack)

This is a recent term, coined in 1976. I would not usually use a two word term on this page but found this one too commonly observed and interesting to pass up.

Have a nice day, Patricia Ladensack

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