Thursday, March 1, 2012

Unusual Scrabble Words

My husband recently began focusing more on the watcher of himself rather than the personality/thinking that is what he and the world normally sees. This involves avoiding the ego when it starts to crop up. His blogs may seem like the self-important frivolity he once saw them as, but they do serve a practical purpose--one that will gladly be explained if you write my him at:

We (he) was focused on terms for the Miller Analogies Test because he wanted to take it and attain a raw score of 85 or more. He already belongs to the well-regarded group, Mensa. However, Otto wanted to join the Triple 9 Society--the society of people supposedly more intelligent than 99.9% of the population. He doubts he could walk in and do it but believes he could do so with much preparation--something the Mensa test didn't really accommodate. After all, once the typical vocabulary is firmly learned (nuances and all), the analogies are fairly straightforward.

Since he has been studying Eckhart Tolle he no longer wants to feed his egoic nature and wants to focus on that which never dies. (To the religious, he has shifted from focusing on the worldly self to enjoying his conscious spirit.) For this reason the MAT is no longer his goal; though with Otto many things are subject to change. In playing Scrabble on his Ipod, lately he feels surprisingly ignorant and will be learning many "new" Scrabble terms for the sake of enjoyable play. Fortunately that means my site gets a lot more growth as he doesn't maintain a vocabulary site of his own.

Enjoy, if you like this sort of learning. If you have any questions, particularly if you'd like an especially difficult word to be elaborated upon.

Have a Great Day, Trish and Otto


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