Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Scrabble Entry

Today's Scrabble Term: 


Pronunciation: as if looks, dex.

Dex is short for Dextroamphetamine which is a central nervous system stimulant. 

Apparently Scrabble, atleast the app version, now accepts street slang as words. Personally I think this is a decline in the integrity of the game as points are now easily gained through guesswork.

Compiled by Patricia Ladensack

UNFORTUNATELY blogspot is now full of kinks. I must change background colors of links and certain text and the colors of text manually for some of the post to be visible. Further the end result still does not look right. Unless they fix this soon I may opt to stop with this service and unfortunately, though Google receives many complaints about these problems they are slow to fix the bugs; what is further bothersome is that these sites worked just fine before the "upgrades."

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